Monday, September 11, 2017

Electronic Devices Lecture-27: Problems on The Potential Variation in Graded Semiconductor-2

In this lecture i solved two gate problems on The Potential Variation in Graded Semiconductor.
and i am uploading important points in semiconductor theory.

For Video Lecture follow the below link:

For Lecture Material download from follow the below link: 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. sir.. I m doing my BE in ece (3rd year).. I would like to watch your lecture videos from LEcture 01 till last.. since I am asking in the middle, will I be able to take up coaching from 1st lecture?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Nice Video

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Analog Circuits Lecture 2: The Ideal Diode and Its applications

In this lecture, i discussed about the ideal diode and its I-V characteristics, applications. and also discussed about  how to determine wh...